Shady Compass is a tool to help ethical hackers cover enumeration steps. It looks for files in the current directory (and subdirectories) as tool output. Based on the findings it will recommend other tools or enumeration steps.
Sundry tools for maintaining a personal media library. Rabbits (hares) like to be clean and are frequently grooming. This project is how I learned python. The tools here are intended to groom your media files for various purposes such as:
- Transcode to storage optimized codecs
- Cut commercials from DVR recordings using genetic algorithms
- Subtitle transcribing
- Profanity filtering
- Integration with Plex Media Server
I love open source. I can add features or fix things myself and contribute back. I like sharing work I’ve done, just as athletes invite people to their games or artists hang their work. Below are some projects I to which I contribute.
The Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is one of the world’s most popular free security tools and is actively maintained by a dedicated international team of volunteers.
Secure Ideas Samurai Web Training Framework, a framework designed for quickly configuring training virtual machines with tools and vulnerable application targets.